Yijing Divination
This is the main header page for Yijing Divination using the Zhouyi (book of zhou/book of changes) as taught by Liu Ming and Shambhavi Sarasvati of Jaya Kula (who learned from Ming). I learned from her and practice using Ming’s book, Ming’s introductory talks on the subject, and a few other resources listed below.
I Ching - The Oracle by Benebell Wen, Yi Jing by Wu Jing-Nuan, I Ching - The Book of Changes translated by David Hinton, and I Ching: Mothering Change website.
If you’d like to book a Yijing focused session, please email dariussohei0@gmail.com or refer to my rates using the session tab above. I am open for 30-minute Yijing-only sessions for half of my hourly rate, $75 USD. Please inquire for sliding scale rates, etc.