
Hello all, with all the new free and premium subscribers I felt it would be good to make a quick video talk on me, my work and this blog. It’s 34 minutes long, a short overview of what it’s all about and what I’m aiming to do in the blog for the next 12 months.

Insert mad science:

Collection of Kid Mad Scientist PNG. | PlusPNG

In addition to what I shared in the video, I offer 1-on-1 supports for folks who want to learn and apply Daoist hygiene in their lives. I offer yijing divination, and Daoist natal astrology readings — this is a 3-hour deep dive into your natal chart which helps on-board many of the frameworks and tools to begin your decolonization process. For folks who have done the initial natal reading I can then offer various services, primarily a 3 to 4-month intensive learning container and curriculum to support you in practicing the various hygiene and creative skills to shift your internal patterns and behaviors. I’m interested in serious learners though, not people who are looking for quick fixes, individualistic self-development, theistic salvation or western talk therapy.

You can find much more information about everything by looking at the tabs on the top of the page. these only show up when viewing the blog in browser, not in the substack app.