survey form for 'bodyaltar, in the night garden' nondual animist gatherings with dare
online view & method-based gatherings
update: the most recent iteration lives here, and the main website has been updated and will continue to be updated as we near June.
tldr: Google form is here:
please fill out if you are interested in participating, thanks
— for those unaware, we are launching an updated ecosystem of offerings, u can view the preview texts here
my personal offering is this: “bodyaltar, in the night garden”
nondual animist gatherings with dare
This offering is my (dare) most up-to-date distillation and presentation of how to teach or “transmit” what my teachers/mentors and guardians have helped me to remember. In this current era so many people are yearning for “mentorship”, while navigating intense oppression dynamics and dominator sub-cultures and worldviews. For as many healthy, self-aware teachers and mentors I have been blessed to learn from, there are at least double or triple that number of teachers who have been harmful or otherwise ignorant in their behaviors.
Because of this, I have long wrestled with how to be perceived as a teacher, and all the various projections that accompany that, while still following the fate my ancestors have laid out for me.
Suffice to say, private one-on-one sessions do not do the work justice, and many people cannot afford my base rate of $150 donation an hour. So, inspired by my dead teacher Ming, I will be hosting longer, monthly gatherings for small groups of interested people. Around 3 hours long, with a break, and recorded for all who attend. If you cannot attend live, the recordings will be available for purchase afterward.
These gatherings will be a fraction of my private asking fee, starting at $50 donation, and will include lectures or View teachings which will be a mix of both channeled/improvised conversation and structured pre-written outlines, and group experiential practices or Methods.
Pre-registration for the live gathering & recorded media will include the opportunity to vote on the topics presented, as well as submit personalized questions. If you can’t attend live, but wish to submit a question, all you have to do is pre-register and fill out the included form.
This is for those who enjoy my personal style (as heard on my podcast) that focuses on language, concepts and stories that self-destruct into a non-conceptual experience (let’s call it deathjazz), for those who want supplemental support while attending any of our other Animist Arts containers, and for those who have wanted private sessions. While these are not private, attending these will greatly increase your chances for being able to book a private session if that is what you actually need. Many will get the benefit from just attending these gatherings.
A final pragmatic note is that I am chronically ill, and in lieu of a kickstarter or gofundme for my increasing monthly medical expenses, it is more beneficial for all beings for me to host these gatherings to buffer those costs. Special thanks to Rachael Rice for brainstorming with me on this.
I look forward to dreaming in the night garden together, many blessings