Notaflof Community Ritual (online) this Saturday 9/17 10am PST & upcoming Death Practice Group #4
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Hello all!
I have a backlog of updates, content etc to put out on this blog, but that will be drip-fed out this fall & winter.
Time-sensitive though is Animist Arts community ritual which you can attend for whatever amount you want to donate (yes even zero dollars) - but you have to sign up at the link above! this event will not be recorded.
in other news, ive been focusing more on deathclown method (more on this in winter and next year, but if you are a playground patreon member you get access to some exclusive recordings now), as death practice group is entering the 4th session sept 28th:
in DPG #4 i am going to discuss and analyze GODS OMG
Here’s an excerpt:
What is a god/deity really?
Many things, many aspects. Once you have realized that your own resistance to pain, fear and hunger as wisdom gates actually limits your perception, you can set about on the path of un-limiting yourself from your harmful belief structures.
We already have quite a few methods for doing so, but certain “big ideas” are still de-pressing our shen, culturally.
The Big big idea is a grotesque caricature of god singular and gods plural.
This grotesque caricature is a culturally sanctioned oppression designed to control human behavior in order for material conditions and economics to benefit certain people and not others.
But even in immediate return egalitarian hunter gatherer societies, the mythologies of gods, tricksters, spirits and ‘magic’ are designed to create social cohesion and to limit behaviors (taboo structures), curb narcissism and prevent domination via reverse dominance.
However, even these reverse domination structures de-press the full potential of our shen.
If we are to truly (completely, fully, thoroughly) liberate our jing, qi and shen (which includes our “ancestors”), then we must accept the responsibilities that we usually outsource to culture, which is to limit our harmful behaviors, and to do so without limiting our shen.
In order to do this, we need both an accurate map of the entire system-process, and reliable navigation skills. We need to be able to scan/perceive, track, encounter, negotiate, expand, release and stabilize, sometimes all at once. We need to be able to notice and analyze phenomena with our whole self, with the help of various helpers, and integrate interpretations from different perspectives.