From Self to Noself-Allself (deathpractice dreams 15.1)
Integrating various concepts of nondual liberation
“Cultural Heritage is the legacy we inherited from our Ancestors. And it includes responsibilities to protect both the physical aspects – land, water, flora, fauna and today, archaeology; and the intangible aspects - our story, language, mythology and lore. Our Ancestors understood that caring for Country allowed Country to care for them.” ~ Dan Turnbull, Member of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council
Art by Clint Grierson
This image is a visual representation of nondual animist "no self", which must be reconciled and integrated with the other depictions of no self such as "emptiness", "clear light", "rigpa" etc.
Because the latter is very enticing to the white, western, individualized person, who uses nondual animism in order to escape, solve and bypass our interdependence.
Without both collectivist noself (all, multiplural, chimeric, everything, fullness) and pure space awareness noself (emptiness, space, clear light, "nothing") wholeness and completeness will be missing and replaced by shards of egoic fantasy, karmic knots, resentment, narcissistic addiction, etc.
There is a noself which can immediately access all ancestors singing-dancing, all ancestors being born and dying (same vibration), and all elements coming into form and dissolving into formlessness. This includes all human, all non human, and all elemental forces.
Immediate access to these continuums of being prove the wastefulness of a self that spends its attention attacking and defending, generating reductionistic concepts in order to control perceived threats, etc.
The play that is revealed to have always been available requires the ritual sacrifice of the self you protect and prioritize.
This (ongoing) ritual sacrifice of the you you think you are is the ritual replication of The Mother, which fractally replicates itself in all scales and shapes, but can be most easily understood by humans via the process of mammalian birth and by the process of cellular mitosis.
By ritually sacrificing the self you think you are (and the identification with that self which keeps you separate and narcissistic) you can enter into stages of noself collectivism and pure space awareness, which removes the trauma from traumatic history (post traumatic growth) and energizes your system (soul, body, mind, etc) towards the fate unraveling process (conscious dying) on behalf of all beings.
Because during the sacrifice of the self, you no longer have purely selfish motivations, those intrinsic motivations will be revealed to have always been collective motives, that all your actions are always on behalf of all beings.
This process also removes the boogeyman of death as some kind of loss or personal insult, and you instead use death practice consciously to continue the ongoing process of fate unraveling on behalf of all beings in whatever situation, dream or bardo realm you find yourself in.
Victim Identity Narratives, Trauma, Individualism as Root Causes of Suffering
Chances are it is exactly your individuality (and the cultural replication of it) that is the cause & continuation of "your" "trauma". You can’t expect more individuality and hoarding to cure a condition created by it, yet the trauma industrial complex has fed this narrative to you so you can have fancy words to explain your issue, while never dealing with it.
Because dealing with it would require you to become collectivist and aware that what you think is yours is not, including but not limited to "your symptoms".
The racket is the racket.
Now you spout on and on about co-regulation but you don’t know what that means at all.
You think it means being connected in some special way, attuned, etc, not understanding that all regulation in all forms is co regulation because all beings are co-existant and interdependent.
We are all carriers of what each other and other beings need carrying. We carry each others burdens. This reveals nature’s natural nonconsensual consensuality because there is no part of nature that is separate that would require "informed consent" the way that humans are talking about these days.
Informed consent only functions in a universe full of individuals, which cannot exist except as a fantasy.
This is not an excuse to be stupid and dominant, but it also means that your trauma isn’t "yours", you’re just carrying it. Instead of a burden it is just your part of the responsibility all beings have because you and the ancestors are the same body.
Whenever you try to get rid of or outsource your "burden" you create the very trauma you seek healing from. You create it in others and in yourself. Others get one fractured piece of it, you get another. The fractured pieces require wholeness in order to transform from "trauma" to "collective wisdom/gift". Constantly trying to heal your fractured piece of trauma wont get you anywhere except more and more fractured, outsourcing more and more pain onto other bodies (humans and non human).
All the ghosts and addictive processes in you right now are "but this" and "but that"ing in order to stay fractured, dissociated, pretending like defending yourself from feeling the feelings you resist feeling is key to your survival, but it just keeps the entire individualist schtick driving the schoolbus off the cliff.
The sooner you accept the fact that there is no "you" to protect, you can get to the part where you accept all of your "trauma" pieces back into a wholeness that you carry and transform on behalf of all beings. then you will realize there is no trauma at all, it was just what the gift looked like in its fractured and defended against form.
Trauma is just the temporarily disrespected spirits you have been tasked to transform and utilize on behalf of all beings. Your own deluded disrespect is the very cause of your continual suffering.
You still think the universe is personal, when it's collective.
It’s yours (and others) insistence that this kind of knowledge be kept relegated to some eccentric hocus-pocus that keeps us all in the lopsided war of individuals with individual problems. This is the cause and continuance of every great ism you think you hate: racism, classism, sexism, ableism etc, yet the biggest culprit of all of these is individualism itself.
The more you insist that you can "keep the good bits" of individualism while "healing the bad bits" (racism, classism, trauma, etc), the more you strengthen all the bad bits. But your ghostmindself, pretending to protect you, will make up all sorts of other stories as to why the bad bits are getting stronger. This charade is the outsourcing of pain onto other bodies, human and nonhuman.
It is only through wholeness (collectivism) and the ritual sacrifice of the individual self that traumas become transformed into "post traumatic growth" (which is the same as ritual sacrifice). Our ancestors knew all this with less fancy terms. Ptsd is the arrested development of a human who has not gone through a ritual maturation process that involves some kind of pain and sacrifice that would be naturally resisted by the participants indwelling ghost bodies who fear wholeness and crave their individualism (anti-collectivism/negative karma).
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Thanks to all the teachers & colleagues that help me continually die through the amassed pain, fear and hunger karmas that curse this body and birth path. It will be both a great relief and impossible sadness when this sick body finally dies, knowing that we humans decided to turn beauty into madness and joy into domination.
Because I don’t know how much actual linear time this body has left, I have been collecting these co-channeled writings on substack, and recording as much as I can to be archived after my death. Hopefully they will also be useful before I die! But I’m not holding my breath.
For now, If you want a full cycle (Base Layer) of Death Practice as a Wisdom Path, you can buy episodes 1-7 of Death Practice Group, which are 3-4 hours long each, and come with pdfs and supplementary material. Each episode is $50 or as much beyond that as you can spare, and instructions for obtaining these recordings are at the bottom of this link.
New monthly sessions and other events are available for live online registration at