boy oh boy, mhm yeah
the world is made of words
mhm, mhm, yeah
So, being a rogue educator/researcher/artist…. outside the privileged in-group cults
means that I do a lot of work to communicate against the inaccurate cultural narratives that are comfortable and palatable to the dominant class.
and i do it for myself too, because I need more opportunities for practice, to repeat and learn the truth.
if you are part of the death practice group offerings, then you get a very coherent communication, with skin-in-the-game to practice in the laboratory of your own real life, your own body. it’s great to have a container for us all to create the conditions for this workplay to become more clear, more coherent and more stable in this culture.
This substack is a mixture of bonus writings and research collection and translation.
Today, we are going to do some more preparatory work to understand the ideas more clearly.
First, listen to this 15 minute podcast from April Dawn Harter on boundaries, narcissism and addiction detox.
Then, watch this amazing 2 hour presentation.
You need to understand how women, lunar cycles, menstruation, polyphonic group singing as a means to deter big game predators, intersubjectivity & co-parenting (grandmother hypothesis of culture) created the conditions for ritualistic/symbolic culture and language.
and that language technically started with the ritual speech-action called “NO”.
and that strategy of reverse dominance (against aggressive sexual predation) created the safe-enough for long-enough conditions for complex grammar and language to emerge.
Lastly for today: read this wikipedia page on Female Cosmetic Coalitions, summarizing the overall theory for the work of the above group (radical anthropology group).
Learn some good stuff and see you on the flip side
please share with those who you know want/need this info