details for DPG registration here
i did a livestream for the lead up to december 14ths Death Practice Group. It’s based on a short piece of writing which is also posted below.
the last ten minutes of the video is a few announcements of upcoming events and such. the registration for these events will be posted in the future. however the rewilding conference registration (online event) is live at this link.
why non-conceptual practice?
another way to say this is that the totality of reality (life&death together, non-opposed) is dream-like. dreams are filled with appearances that appear to have meaning (symbols). yet in an instant, those appearances (and their associated meanings) change. each appearance, or form, is essentially a concept, a cloud-of-concepts, associations of symbols that (nascently) enact relations & behaviors.
if you only practice conceptual practices (like analyzing, imagining, visualizing, etc) - then you will "chase" the symbols as they change, stringing together a narrative based on the symbolic forms/appearances. in non-conceptual practice we can go beyond this constant "chasing" of meaning & appearance ('thinking things' & 'thinging things').
we practice being (in) the dream in ways that are not problematic but playful, not meaningful but relational, not anthropocentric but elemental.
conceptual practice is like the side of the moon we see light reflecting off of - it is the mirror we associate with "what-a-mirror-does", but there is also a dark side of the moon, a dark side of the mirror, which supports its/the capacity to reflect yet does not reflect in the same way we associate with "a mirror". this would be a kind of 'dark mirror', a void of dark space that "just is" and holds whatever without the obvious reflecting of the light-side-of-the-mirror.
this "dark space" is non-conceptual practice. it is the element of space before other elements arise from it in their differentiated forms such as water, fire, air, earth, etc. #deathpractice
Substack can do galleries now so that’s very good for this content i made for last month’s session
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